Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Newest Little Runner

Annuntio vobis gaudiam magnum, habemus snuffin! I announce to you a great joy, we have a snuffin! Oliver Michael Wirz was born last Thursday at 6:35pm, coming in at 6lbs 10oz, and 19" long. He was born about a month early, so his little lungs were not quite ready. He needed to go to a nicu, so in the wee hours on Friday, I got to chase an ambulance from Hollister to Good Samaritan in San Jose. I got to drive fast! There were a few complications, so he will be coming home tomorrow (hopefully). In the last week, his lung function has improved greatly. The little guy can cry, so I wonder what kind of a set of lungs he will end up with. He's long like Leo and Joseph. I wonder what kind of a runner he will be. I told him that he'd have to run with Daddy, and he gurgled, so either he like the idea, or it was gas...

Now, for the part that you are after, photos:

Just a few moments after birth, flexing the pipes.

Snoozing on Monday. Having him in the isolette is a bit like feeding a baby critter without influencing him. Now feed your baby condor...

Happy Ollie!!!

Leo and Joseph want Oliver to come home now. Hopefully, tomorrow all three Wirz boys will be under one roof!


MrsPallas said...

Congrats on the newest little Wirz!

Nicola said...

Glad your little one is home now! Many blessing to you and your family.