Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Newest Little Runner

Annuntio vobis gaudiam magnum, habemus snuffin! I announce to you a great joy, we have a snuffin! Oliver Michael Wirz was born last Thursday at 6:35pm, coming in at 6lbs 10oz, and 19" long. He was born about a month early, so his little lungs were not quite ready. He needed to go to a nicu, so in the wee hours on Friday, I got to chase an ambulance from Hollister to Good Samaritan in San Jose. I got to drive fast! There were a few complications, so he will be coming home tomorrow (hopefully). In the last week, his lung function has improved greatly. The little guy can cry, so I wonder what kind of a set of lungs he will end up with. He's long like Leo and Joseph. I wonder what kind of a runner he will be. I told him that he'd have to run with Daddy, and he gurgled, so either he like the idea, or it was gas...

Now, for the part that you are after, photos:

Just a few moments after birth, flexing the pipes.

Snoozing on Monday. Having him in the isolette is a bit like feeding a baby critter without influencing him. Now feed your baby condor...

Happy Ollie!!!

Leo and Joseph want Oliver to come home now. Hopefully, tomorrow all three Wirz boys will be under one roof!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Still Kickin'

It has been a good long while since I posted anything. In case you are wondering; we are still here. Alie is due with Baby Boy on 4 April. We are not expecting for her to go full term; the boys were 2 weeks early, she had a couple of complications (everyone is ok) in January, and Baby Boy is very active. Getting a few things organized in the casa is an ongoing challenge. Alie is on a lifting restriction (better than the bed rest requirement in January), so the boys go to day care while I am at work. When I'm not working, I have two little shadows. Nana helps on Sundays so I can go to church.

I'm still working at the winery; most days are good. I have done enough VAs in the last two days to last quite some time. Degas, distill, titrate, repeat. Thankfully, I can say that I make wine, not vinegar.

It is spring in Cienega. We are at above average for our yearly rainfall (nearly 18" so far), and we have about 6 weeks left in our rainy season. Pruning is going slow this year; Dad is frustrated, moreso than ever. I see the green grass, the fillaree, and mustard; I feel sun and gentle rain; the ground is moist. The roses are starting to push, the plum tree has bloomed. Another year has begun. It is the middle of Lent; I am looking forward to Easter. I am hoping for an Easter baby. I am rambling; I am sober. I have realized that I will be 30 this year. March 15 marks 10 years that Alie and I have been together (married for 8 on 10 August). Leo and Joseph will be 3 in May. I would not mind loosing 10, 20, or even 30 pounds. I miss running on a daily basis (look above to see why I have not been). Some days, I miss working at Monster Winery. I loved the Winter Olympics, and am rooting for die Schwiez to do well at the World Cup.

Again, I am rambling. Maybe in the next four months, I can write a more coherent post.