Saturday, November 3, 2007

I'm back!

Wednesday was the end of the 2007 harvest for the Home Ranch. It was not the best, nor was it the worst of our efforts. The grapes were down quite a bit from last year. It didn’t help that we got hit right between the eyes with a frost in mid-April, and a poor rain year did not help us much either. Instead of a normal 16” or so, we got a paltry 11. Interestingly, nearly every other outfit in our little valley reported 8 to 9”. Did we get lucky? Maybe.
We are done crushing at Monster Winery. We had our end of the year BBQ/face feeding on Weds.. Now, all we have to do is finish the ferments, and get the wines that I want to behave, to behave. Likely most of the wines that really don’t need to behave, will, but the ones that must behave won’t. Seems like this happens a bit too much.
The boys are getting BIG! They are at 5 months, 1 week, and I think that we will be crawling by Thanksgiving, and maybe walking by New Year’s. God help us all! :) At any rate, they are doing well, and so is the wife.

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