Alie and I have a theory that the boys have a game we call "break the mommy". We watch them either playing or in the high chairs after getting fed. They will talk to each other in their unitelligible (to us) twinspeak. They'll talk, look at us, laugh, and then talk more. We think that they are consipiring to "break the mommy and daddy". When Alie and I talk on the phone during the course of the day, I'll ask if they are playing break the mommy. They usually are. Alie has taken pictures of Leo and Joseph trying to subdue an adult.
Leo (in green shirt) and Joseph (in blue shirt) have spotted the mommy.
The boys want to play. Play with us, Mommy. Mommy decided to keep taking pictures.
Full court press. The boys want to play! End of baby attack. Mommy not broken. No snuffins (or mommies) were injured in the taking of these photos.
okay so not really an anonymous poster...this is Mommy.... no, no Mommy was injured in the taking of these photos, but certainly other rounds of Break The Mommy (like the one happening right now-Leo stop licking the TV!Oh, I'm in so much trouble! They are 11 1/2 months old and I'm already having to give time outs!) okay where were we....yes other rounds of that popular game Break The Mommy have certainly done their fair share of damage! The camera barely survived.....
that's hilarious! and the older they get . . .
Hi Donald and Allie,
I saw the fantastic pics of Leo and Joseph. They are so beautiful, but I can tell they are a handful. I love that they have their own twin language and converse about the two of you and laugh. They seem very happy and health too. God has blessed you with double goodness!
Allie, thanks for dropping by the center a few weeks ago. It was wonderful to see you. God bless, Linda
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